
Water Colour: For pain relief

Friday, December 13, 2013

For pain relief

Pain is an unpleasant perception has always accompanied mankind . And despite attempts the world and science have to remove , no pain has been eradicated .
Regardless of the intensity, type or cause , nine out of ten pain can be minimized if treated properly.

Pain is not a simple relationship of fibers, organs and neurotransmitters. It is influenced by many factors of the individual and their environment, to the point that is not transferable .
It is known that with similar injuries , two people do not feel the same pain with the same intensity , that is , the same pain varies on the person if he is alone or accompanied , happy or sad , whether you have debt, whether it's Christmas or early year .
Although it has always been associated pain management with analgesics or medical interventions , there are other things that mitigated without resorting to them. Here are some .
cerebral Cortex
The brain has identified as responsible for pain perception regions. One is in the anterior cingulate cortex. A study by Stanford University sore confirmed that people can reduce unpleasant sensations if they control these areas. In one experiment he told a group of them to think over a period of time in your pain and thereupon pleasing thoughts were induced to distract your attention and activate other areas of the cerebral cortex.
It was found that the pleasant thoughts maintained over time significantly decreased the activity of the cingulate area and even promoted that people with pain change their face and could move more easily. The mind of the patient with pain should be busy , hopefully in pleasant things .
Is the item you Referencing classic Norman Cousins, editor of the New Yorker , who attenuated their severe pain with 20 minutes of genuine laughter .
Laughter decreases by up to 50 percent pain intensity and analgesic requirements , including opiates in patients with severe pain.
The explanation , although is also linked to the natural distraction brain involves the increased production of endorphins ( morphine-like substances ) .
There is a neurophysiological theory called the theory of the gate , one of the functional basis for treating pain .
All stimuli traveling along the nerves reach a kind of door in the central nervous system first come slams the door on the other . As the pain travels tracks which are slow , anything traveling for the quickest routes ( such as pressure , temperature, touch, heat and vibration ) , arriving first block pain.
That is why , for example , who instinctively presses the affected machuca finger, pressure sensation travels faster than the pain . It is also known that massage on a regular basis , improve blood flow , increase the level of endorphins and decreasing muscle spasms.
Faced with intense pain , people of every condition, age or culture , usually loose and screaming words that sometimes border on the obscene .
Researchers at the University of Keele ( UK ) confirmed that the pain and say aloud the word they chose, the pain threshold was increased significantly ( greater resistance to it) when the language was foul .
This, said genuinely increases the variables acting on the body stress. By competing with pain keep voice or shout in time, the brain is distracted and tends to decrease pain sensation . Hence it is involved as a natural instinctive reaction type , sometimes impossible to block.
Exercise several times a week releases endorphins () to help relieve pain.
Regular exercise ( 40 or 50 minutes a day , four or five times a week ) , under aerobic conditions , induces the release of endorphins, opioid neurotransmitters produced in the central nervous system that make it an excellent analgesic.
Other modes of analgesia
• People feel less pain accompanied .
• Breathing techniques that promote deep breaths and paused ( deep breath and count to 10 ) increase the concentration of CO2 in the body , which promotes dilation of the arteries and increased oxygenation in the tissues and irrigation , this low concentration elements which activate pain pathways .

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